Which LED light fixtures are better. The best manufacturers of LED lamps

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Today, most users lighting devices  give their preference to led-lamps. LED light bulbs for the home are considered the most economical and workable. However, the cost of such elements is pretty decent, especially when it comes to world brands. Manufacturers of LED lamps offer many models based on modern technology, so the question of the ratio of price and quality is always very acute.

Famous Brands

The most expensive are led-bulbs, which are especially popular in Europe. This LED model brands Cree, Osram, Philips. According to statistics, these companies are most often producing lamps that top the international rating, however, in the Russian market, some nuances need to be taken into account.

First, manufacturers of LED lamps of this level create models only with a voltage of 220V, as in European countries, and 110V, as in the USA. Secondly, most bulbs use a socle E26. In Russia, the most popular is the socle E27. However, to write off the so-called TOP-3 is not worth it, so we'll get to know them better.

  • The Netherlands company Philips produces a variety of lighting products. The advantage of their led bulbs is that they not only save electricity, but also are characterized by high environmental friendliness. Therefore, they can be used for a long time to illuminate the house. However, these LED products are considered to be among the most expensive.
  • The Austrian brand "Osram" has a mass of distinctive signs. As a result of expert testing, the lamps of this company were recognized as energy efficient, and also marked as products with a high degree of environmental protection and a long service life. High cost can scare away buyers, but they are the best lED Light Bulbs  for today, therefore they pay off already for a year.
  • The firm "CREE" was one of the first to offer innovative high-power LEDs. Such new-generation led lamps have a large luminous flux and minimal energy consumption, so they are considered a real alternative to a halogen bulb. The company today produces ultra-bright devices in the "High-Brightness" line, as well as powerful "XLamp" LEDs. A second group of light bulbs is used for the house, which includes models with different directions of light and brightness. However, lamps with a reddish-yellow glow from this manufacturer are not found in all the new model series.

Due to what is the high quality of the above-listed LED companies? First, they release all products only under their own brand. Secondly, every stage of production is subject to constant monitoring. Finally, all these firms produce light bulbs not by a conveyor, but by creating separate departments dealing with different processes. This division of labor seriously improves the quality of lamps, because if there is a marriage, they will be dealt with by a specific subdivision.

Interestingly, in the top rating of the most popular companies for the production of light bulbs often include the brand "Gauss". Surprisingly, unlike their colleagues, this brand is Russian. The high price of products is fully justified by the use of unique technologies. Gauss LED light bulbs are not only economical, they are also made in the original design, besides they do not heat up much. They can be safely used at home to complete the image of a modern chandelier and even operate with a stretch ceiling.

Among the foreign popular companies in the field of light technology, it should be noted "Nichia", which creates light bulbs in Japan. The demand for these products is quite high. Advantages of the brand is a small price, high-quality assembly and good economy of lamps in operation.

In the pursuit of novelties, many consumers prefer to buy bulbs of the most famous brands from the most fashionable rulers. It is worth noting that the price of such products is often overstated, and the innovations used are not always necessary to the buyer in reality. Therefore, pay attention to the year of production of led-bulbs. The best lamps, of course, are included in the range of products of the latest generation. Their main advantage is modern and durable LEDs. But sometimes even the biggest online shops of European companies arrange profitable sales with old bulbs. On the quality they are not worse, and the discount will always be a pleasant bonus in buying.

Domestic control

First of all, it should be noted that today in the market of LED goods there are both conditionally Russian brands, and actually local producers. In the first case, it is important to understand that the creation of light bulbs is conducted in Chinese factories. Russian companies in such conditions only control the ongoing work, providing the necessary drawings. Led bulbs of similar brands in principle have a good quality, because the increase in wages directly depends on the level of sales. Also, the advantages of such brands can be considered operational work with consumer claims and low cost of lamps. Consider what kind of bulbs in this category can be bought without fear.

  • Feron is one of the oldest companies on the Russian market, producing products already since 1999. The assortment of LED light bulbs from the company is very high, and they can not but please affordable prices. Additional plus - an honest indication of all the characteristics of lamps on the package. And the brand has an official online store, so you can buy products without leaving home.
  • A major company for the production of lighting equipment is the "Camelion", whose brand is known throughout the world. However, the problem with the products of this brand is the lack of an understandable labeling on the bulbs. The technical designations of the led-lamps are very long, therefore it is necessary to understand the need for this or that product in advance. But most of the bulbs of this company have an original design, which allows creating a wide angle of glow.
  • The brand "Jazzway" rarely gets negative feedback on its products, which inspires confidence. The company has established itself as a manufacturer of reliable and certified light bulbs. At the same time, you can buy very powerful and bright models for the house with the E27 base.
  • "Navigator" is present on the Russian market since 1993 and during this time rarely led buyers of LED products. Since 2002, the company has been cooperating with General Electric and Osram, therefore it is not surprising that Navigator is the leader in sales of General Electric products in Russia. Each lamp has a clear description, up to the LEDs used in the assembly, as well as the necessary documents. It is interesting that this company produces led-lamps with filament light-emitting diodes.
  • The company "Era" also creates a very high-quality LED products, but not always correctly indicates the characteristics of the bulbs. This is especially important in a situation where the consumer only goes from incandescent lamps to inventions of a new generation. Prices for products of this brand are slightly above average.

Among the less popular firms with the Chinese assembly scheme, for example, Elektrostandard, Ecola, Odeon, Uniel, Start, Kosmos, Ekonomika. The advantage of these manufacturers is that they usually take care of the availability of electronic catalogs on official websites. Brands have interesting models, although sometimes the characteristics of light bulbs may not reach the constant use at home.

It is interesting that it is conditional that the Russian group of manufacturers occupies most of our market of LED products. The products of these brands enjoy the maximum popularity, and the constant demand motivates the company to improve the characteristics of the bulbs. The most sold are Feron, Navigator, Camelion. According to the presence of negative reviews, the leading companies are Cosmos, ASD, Odeon. The main problem with these brands of bulbs is the constant burnout of the LEDs.

Please note that the best lED lamp  these manufacturers are not always expensive. They can reduce the price of products not at the expense of quality, but through the promotion of more convenient technologies. Therefore, other things being equal, sometimes it makes sense to give preference to models with low cost.

Russian production

Now it is worth paying attention to truly domestic producers, who create led-bulbs at Russian plants. Many believe that the level of such products is much better. Of course, there are some nuances here, but the price-quality ratio of such brands is almost always ideal.

  • Optogan produces energy-efficient models of light bulbs with very bright diodes. According to the characteristics of this company is not inferior to the leader of the Russian rating - the company "Gauss" - but the huge advantage of Optogan is the affordable cost of lamps. The indicator of the company's production is that many of the concepts of this brand have been used by foreign colleagues.
  • "SvetaLed" also assembles its models of light bulbs at its own factories using domestic chips. This brand completely competes with Osram and Philips. Led-lamps companies have long been considered exemplary, and although the price in comparison with unknown Russian brands seems overstated, the products very quickly pay for itself.

There are also less well-known companies producing LED products. Of course, buying a light bulb without confidence in its characteristics is sometimes risky, but if the product is needed, for example, not for the home, but for the dacha, it is not worth overpaying again for the brand's authority. Therefore, an excellent alternative to these companies is, for example, the company "Svetlana-Optoelectronics".

Chinese Companies

Purely Chinese brands, as a rule, are little known to the Russian buyer even by ear. In most cases, production remains a mystery for consumers, besides, it is not always clear what the details of which country and what quality they were used for. Chinese firms rarely follow generally accepted standards, so sometimes led-bulbs can even give off an unpleasant green tint. Plus such products are exclusively at a low cost, but most likely, the specified service life will be many times overpriced.

Of course, in China all these companies have the necessary certificates to conduct business. Such brands as Ali, DX, MiIntheBox are not uncommon in our market, but they are counted exclusively for casual buyers. If you study the quality of products in detail, you can immediately encounter a discrepancy between the specified characteristics of reality. The power of these bulbs, as a rule, does not exceed 3-5 watts.

Unfortunately, cases where the product is not just useless, but also dangerous are not uncommon. The point is that instead of lED drivers unscrupulous companies put standard ballasts in the bulbs. As a result - a flickering light, straining eyes. That's why it's better to avoid such lamps if you need a product for daily use. In the case of an emergency need to save money when buying an LED light bulb, you can choose the products of the company "Maxus". She also has significant shortcomings, but there are more laudatory reviews than other Chinese brands.

Models overview

In most cases, the rating of LED bulbs is made either directly by constant users of products, or by experts on the basis of comparative testing. Understanding how the hierarchy is distributed in the TOP of the best led-lamps helps to make the right choice when buying independently. So, in terms of price and quality, the best are the following models (not including European companies):

  • Among the most popular LED light bulbs with E27 socket and 60 watts power, the "Navigator" version is the first. Also suitable for use are the lamps brands "Wolta", "Lexman", "X-Flash", "IKEA". In the power category 75 W, the "OSRAM" lamp also appears. At 95 watts, the "Gauss" lamp is the best.
  • LED light bulbs in the shape of candles are released with the E14 cap or "minion". In this group, the best are 40W lamps "Uniel", "Navigator", "Lexman", "Volta". With 60W power, the optimal model is from Gauss. The main thing is not to forget that in this case you need an adapter to connect to the E27 socket.
  • As for LED bulbs in the form of a ball, they are also found with a standard cap. With 40 watts of power, good options are offered by Cosmos, Vitoone, X-Flash. With E14 socket, such lamps can be used in production from Wolta, Lexman, Nanosvet.
  • Many consumers also like mirror LED light bulbs. With the cap "minion" they are on 35-40 and 50 watts. The first group includes the same brands that produce quality ball lamps. In the second category, in addition to the above, there is the brand "Artpole", which, however, offers bulbs more than 300 rubles apiece. With a regular cap, mirror lamps are found in the Era brand.
  • In a similar rating, we can not but turn on the LED lamps that replace the halogen spotlights. Their feature is in narrow beams of light that do not tire the eyes. In this case, the leader is the company "Kreonix". The same bulbs, but already with a wide angle of illumination, qualitatively produce "X-Flash" and "Lexman".

In addition to ratings that take into account only the cost and quality of products, there are those lists in which bulb models are ranked on a different basis. Thus, the light output of lamps, color temperature, power factor and even the warranty period are taken into account.

As the statistics show, most often the winner of such studies is the company "Navigator", but at the same time, European brands do not participate because of overcharge. This company offers an excellent economical replacement for incandescent bulbs, while most models have a bright design, high color rendering and long working time.

Further, this rating includes "Uniel" light bulbs, which look great in decorative lamps due to original and absolutely unique shapes. Also worth noting is good performance of the brand "Svetlana-Optoelectronics". A little less effective are the models of brands "Ekolayt" and "Svetovod", however, even in this case the consumer receives environmentally safe and stable led-bulbs.

Our readers already know that when choosing any LED lamp, it is worth paying attention to the manufacturer. However, on the Internet, we have never met a list of the best manufacturers, so we decided to make such a top. So, the best manufacturers of LED lamps, which can be found on our market.

Often, people try to save money on such a purchase, but already now many people know that the Chinese producers are best not to trust at all. There is some truth in this, but only a certain proportion and no more, there are also excellent chinese producers, and they do not worse than Phillips and other foreign brands. At the same time, the cost of such lamps is an order of magnitude smaller.

However, looking at the big exchange rate, the Chinese LED lamps remain cheaper, because for some reason even our manufacturers continue to raise the cost.

In total, there are three main brands:

  • European, they have high cost and good quality. Minus only one - the cost.
  • Famous Chinese and domestic brands. All of them have excellent characteristics, there are minuses in the collection and in overstating the characteristics, but they can be considered acceptable. They flooded almost 80% of the market.
  • Chinese from obscure producers. Here, there are solid minuses, starting with a terrible assembly and ending with poor-quality materials with inadequate characteristics.

If you recall the European producers, everything is better here, but the price is always too high, although marriages are found in some instances.

If we speak for the best manufacturers of LED lamps, our resource recommends the second option. After all, in fact, the price and quality are acceptable. Yes, there are shortcomings, but they are not so many.

The third option is absolutely not worth considering, there are no guarantees, quality, correct characteristics. They are cheaper, but not straight so that you need to choose them instead of the second option.

Choose a manufacturer

We have long thought how to make a top. Therefore, they collected not only their personal considerations, but also the opinions of people. The main factor was the ratio of price to quality. Varieties of lamps and others can be called a lot, each brand, they are their own, we will not dwell on this. And so, the best manufacturers of LED lamps, according to experts and people. Now all these manufacturers began to produce

Hello dear readers of my blog. Today we will consider such a topic as lighting, or more accurately we will learn how to correctly determine which LED lamps are best for the home.

Among the energy-saving lamps, LEDs are becoming popular (buyers are increasingly choosing their choice). And this phenomenon is quite understandable, since such technology has a lot of advantages in comparison with its predecessors, about which I want to tell you. As far as I know, LEDs were originally designed for military, but now they are densely used in home life. Well, okay, let's go directly to studying the question of how to make the right choice of lamps for the house.

What are the socles?

LED lighting equipment is available with various types of socles. Let's look at the most common ones:

  1. E27-  This is, perhaps, the most common type of socle (we all know the lamp "Ilyich"). Everyone saw it, but probably not everyone knows how it is properly called (and it is not necessary to know). Letter "E" Indicates that the socket is threaded, and the figure 27 is the diameter of this thread. On sale there is a mass of LED lamps of different firms with such a socle. In principle, there is nothing more to say about it (only if it was invented by the legendary Thomas Edison). Let us pass to the second common type.
  2. E14-By and large this type of socle is the second most popular. Mostly used in fixtures "sconces" and various table lamps and chandeliers. Based on the marking, this type of socle refers to threaded with a diameter of 14mm. For the rest of the species I will not tell you in detail, since they are rarely used, and in home lighting they are not used at all. The next type is the "pin" cap.
  3. GU3- Such a socle is used in ceiling spotlights. It looks like two "pins".
  4. G9 andG4 I have summarized these two types because they are more commonly used in chandeliers. Refer to the pin shape. So we examined all the popular types of socles that are used for home lighting (the rest of the species will not be considered).

Color temperature of LED lamps for home

Considering which LED lamps are best to choose for a home, you need to pay attention to the glow temperature (color temperature). This indicator tells us how the lamp has a glow. This indicator is measured in "Kelvin" (on each package this information is indicated), in most cases, LED products are available in the range from 2700K to 6500K. According to the color temperature, the glow can be divided into 4 types:

  1. 2700K-4000K  - this is warm light (i.e., yellow)
  2. 4000K-4200K  Is a neutral light (something between yellow and white)
  3. 4200K-5000K  - it's cold light (i.e. white)
  4. 5000K-6500K and higher  - this daylight  (white with a shade of blue)

At the end of this paragraph I want to say that it is better to choose warm light or neutral light (in the range of 2700K-4000K) for a house, and it is better to choose cold light for office (as well as daylight). The fact is that many people have white light causing eye irritation (certainly not all), and it is not very pleasant to look at it, but this light seems brighter than the warm one (at the same power). Well, that's the whole difference of cold light from warm. I think for yourself, you made the right choice, what kind of glow you want. Further we will consider power of light-emitting diodes.

Which LED power is best for home

The undoubted advantage of LEDs is the saving of electricity. If we compare them with their predecessors ( fluorescent lamps) which saved in 5 times (in comparison with usual lamps), the LED lighting ahead of them in all parameters and offers energy saving by 10 times.

Now how to understand all this? Let's say that you have a 100-watt lighting source (conditionally) in your room and you want to replace it with LEDs. In such a case e  you will need a 10-watt LED lamp. It turns out that it will consume 10W, and shine like 100W (that's basically the saving here).

To choose the right LEDs, you need to multiply their power by 10 and this will be the light produced by them in the translation into an ordinary lamp. Below I will give the table of power of LED lamps in comparison with usual and output light flux  in the lumen. What are lumens? Lumen is a unit of measurement of the luminous flux in the SI system (I think everyone remembers this system from the school program in physics).

LED Power Lamp Wattage Power incandescent light W Luminous Flux Lm
2-3 20-30 250-300
4-5 40-50 400-500
8-10 80-90 800-900
10-12 100-120 1000-1200
12-15 120-150 1200-1300
18-20 180-200 1800-2000

I think with the power of the "LED" you all understand (if not, then ask questions in the comments).

Color rendering

To correctly understand what color rendering is, I will give you an example. Say, in the house there are two LED lamps of the same power and color temperature. If we consider the lighting separately (for example, turn one in turn in the same room), then, under the light of different lamps, the colors of objects in the room will change (of course, the black does not become white, the hue will simply change).

This parameter is indicated on the LED box by the letters RA (is in the range from 0 to 100). The higher this index, the better a person distinguishes shades and colors (under light). What would be the right choice of LEDs should pay attention to this index.

What else should I pay attention to when choosing

When choosing LED lamps for your home, several important parameters can be read on the box and seen on the product itself. In my opinion, it is worthwhile to carefully study the purchased products, which would then be painfully painful from the fact that the purchased product was of poor quality. And so proceed:

Ability to use with dimmer

The possibility of using a dimmer (dimmer) means that on such an LED lamp you can control the brightness (just the dimmer does it). With a lamp without this possibility, this number will not pass (add and reduce brightness).

If you are not going to use a product with a dimmer, then you should not choose a lamp with this option. Such a light source will be several times more expensive than a light source without this function.

And, of course, the packaging always has information whether these LEDs can be used with a dimmer (dimmer). Most often this function is convenient in table lamps.

The presence of a radiator

   This indicator is very important, and its quality can be determined by looking and touching the lamp. How can we do this? Radiator LEDs are needed for cooling. In each product there is a lowering block (if to say in simple words) or as it is also called a driver (I'm more used to calling a block).

The unit serves to lower the incoming voltage and give out a constant LED. But it requires good heat dissipation (cooling) if the cooling is bad, the lamp will start to flash periodically, or it may completely die out, until it cools (or maybe forever).

Radiators can be made of aluminum and plastic, although the plastic only on the inside inside is still a metal radiator. So, better products have a metal radiator from the outside (you can determine it by simply touching the lamp).

But if the coating is plastic, and the radiator is inside, then you can only roughly determine the quality of the radiator. We take the product in hand and evaluate its weight, the heavier it is, the more metal there is, the better will be the cooling of the block.

If the weight is not compared with anything, then when you take the lamp you should not have the feeling that it is empty. If there is such a feeling, then it is worth making a choice in favor of other products.

Lifetime resource

This indicator is the most important, since it depends on how long the light product will illuminate your home. It is indicated on the package with any energy saving lamp  not even LED. LEDs have this parameter ranging from 25,000 to 50,000 hours, while energy-saving (luminescent) resources range from 10,000 to 15,000 hours, for conventional up to 1,000 hours. The higher this indicator is, of course, the better. But remember, the better the product, the higher its price. The choice should be made in favor of products with a large number of hours and a lower price. And now a little talk about the producers.

Which manufacturer is better

So we came to the question of which firms producing LED lamps are better. This is a difficult question, as there are now a huge number of firms producing such products. Undoubtedly, one can say that the one who makes LEDs is better, but sells them cheaper and will be better. But in the realities of the market no one wants to miss the earned money.

To make the right choice you need to know who produces the products. Let's just look at popular manufacturers. I do not want to do advertising to anyone, and make a rating, just as I recall, I'll start listing companies. So if the firm at the bottom of the list does not mean that it is worse than colleagues who are higher on the list. And so meet:

  1. PhillipsA very popular company that rightly deserved its reputation. It produces premium products of very high quality. The only drawback is a very high price (compared to others for the same characteristics).
  2. GaussAs well as "Phillips" produces high quality LEDs. But it also has products for the economy segment at a more sparing price than Phillips. As far as I know this is a company from Russia.
  3. NavigatorVery popular manufacturer with a huge assortment. Nothing special about him I can not say, because I have not heard anything bad about them. The products of this manufacturer simply took their niche and meet all the quality standards.
  4. KosmosThis manufacturer has many series of lamps, both premium and economy class. But I would not recommend you a premium series, because they have a questionable quality (there are a lot of returns in stores). But to the economy class questions there is no excellent products for their money.
  5. JazzWayThis company is among the first producers. Produces middle-class products in terms of price and quality.
  6. ASDA company that produces a huge amount of electrical products including LED lamps. Produces products of good quality for a fairly low price tag. You can meet on the shelves of almost any electric store.
  7. ONLIGHT-  It is part of the Navigator group of companies, but these lamps are of economy class. But the brand is advancing separately. Has in its stock a lot of products (not only LEDs). As well as ASD is found in almost any store, they have similarities in price and quality. Buyers often opt for this firm.

Well, that's basically all, in my opinion, these are the most popular and reliable manufacturers of light products, both for the home and for the office.


  In conclusion, I would like to sum up. In order not to make a mistake in the choice, it is necessary to check all the parameters described above and, of course, to take seriously the choice. I hope I helped you make the right choice. Well, here it is time to finish the article. Many thanks to everyone who read this article, I hope my and your time, was not wasted. And also I hope that the article helped you to decide on the choice of thanks for your attention.

Which LED bulbs are the best?

This question we hear very often. In order to answer it, one must first understand, on the basis of which criteria, to draw such a conclusion? For someone the best lamp  will be the one that most effectively uses energy, i.e. The one that "gives out" more light when consuming one watt of electricity. Is not the criterion? For another person, the best one will be the one who, with the same power, will serve longer. For the third best one will be the one that is cheaper than the others for the same claimed power or light output. With all this still it is necessary to understand that the characteristic of the duration of work (10-20 years) declared by the majority of manufacturers for an LED lamp is only calculated, since it was possible to buy such LED light bulbs only a few years ago, and none of the lamps could prove such a practice in practice impressive longevity.

Thus, in order to answer the most important question, it is necessary to formulate these criteria. In our opinion, the manufacturer of the best lamps on the market should:

  • to have in his active many years of engineering experience in this field;
  • when producing lamps, use materials and components that are as safe as possible for health;
  • honestly and accurately publish specifications  their lamps (all this is very easy to verify);
  • make quality, accurate and informative packaging of products;
  • to monitor the quality of the assembly and to ensure a consistently high level of quality regardless of the lot;
  • have a high-quality Russian-language description of their lamps (instruction manual inside the package);
  • provide a full-fledged and long-lasting warranty on LED lamps and ensure its compliance;
  • care for the environment and use in the production of materials that can be disposed of;
  • have a website where you can find and download a detailed description of LED lamps;
  • have a full user support service;
  • have quality Russian-language catalogs of their products and update them on time;
  • have a developed sales network (distributors, dealers, own retail network);
  • constantly invest in innovative developments, patent and implement them in production.

We intentionally do not talk about price as a criterion, since the set of qualities mentioned above, in conjunction with the price of the product, will just give each buyer an opportunity to independently determine whether a given price is fair in the presence of such a set of qualities?

In our opinion, the three leaders of the Russian market are obvious and there are no surprises here - with a significant gap from all: Philips (Netherlands), Osram (Germany) and Verbatim (Japan). None of them 100% satisfies ALL of the above conditions, but they definitely have the most complete set of these qualities. A little worse is the case with Gauss (Russia), Uniel (Russia), Supra (Japan).

Other Western manufacturers have not yet entered the Russian market. All the lists will not work, but we know that the plans for our market are American Cree, Japanese Toshiba, Panasonic and Hitachi, South Korean Samsung.

Leading Russian manufacturers are still difficult to distinguish among them as catching up and obvious leaders, but we are confident that in the next 2-3 years we will have several large and strong producers that will bet on quality and survive in the competitive struggle.

Can I trust the characteristics of the LED lamps shown on the package?

Unfortunately not all manufacturers can and should be trusted. Our numerous tests show that only the top 3 manufacturers are very accurate and honest. The rest relate to these points less scrupulously and act more cunningly, indicating the maximum achievable characteristics in a short period of time and under a variety of additional circumstances. On the packaging it is not written, so we think this is not correct in relation to the consumer. In addition, self-respecting manufacturers publish the methods by which their products are tested, the rest do not.

Can I buy LED lamps made in China?

Can! As they say, China - China is different! For example, lamps from the top three (Philips, Osram, Verbatim) are also made in China, but at their own enterprises, according to their latest technologies, on modern equipment and under close supervision of quality services. Therefore, we recommend that you pay attention not to the country of manufacture of the lamp, but to the brand name.

Can I use LED lamps in children's rooms?

Yes, you can. Moreover, it is necessary! LED lamps are significantly safer for adults and children than any other light source. This topic is covered in great detail in our article " The effect of LED lamps on human health  "It is for these reasons that schools, kindergartens in the United States and Western Europe are actively being switched to lighting with LED lights." The sale of incandescent lamps has already been banned there, and in Russia such a ban must be passed in 2016.

Articles on LED lighting

This article is for those who for the first time asked such a question and did not have a technical education. LED lightening  - this is lighting something using relatively new light sources - LEDs. LED is an industrially created crystal that, when connected to electricity, begins to emit light. Fairly speaking, a new light source can not be called a light-emitting diode; it was invented several decades ago, but it was actively developed and used in all spheres of our life only in the beginning of 2000, thanks to new discoveries in the technological field and a significant decrease in the cost of production.

Modern technologies do not stand still, and scientific and technological progress does not leave out such a sphere of our life as coverage. Development occurs both in the direction of increasing lighting technical characteristics, and in the direction of the appearance of additional adjacent technological devices that increase the utility of fixtures and lighting systems in general. We are talking about numerous varieties lED Light Fixtures  with built-in sensors.

We decided to make a survey, which will collect the most interesting feedback about LED lamps. We collected these reviews both from our customers (and continue to collect), and from the Internet - from various forums, blogs, thematic portals and other resources. Having received a large amount of data, we systematized it, de-identified it and got a set of interesting opinions and advice from real people using LED lamps at home, in the country, in the office, etc.

Customers of our online store often ask questions - which LED lamps are the best, which companies? What exactly are they better? Is it possible to trust the characteristics of the lamps indicated on the package? Can I buy LED lamps made in China? Can I use LED lamps in children's rooms? This is only part of the questions that customers ask when choosing the best option for themselves. And such questions arise when the buyer already knows which type of lamps is needed and with what characteristics. In this article we will try to answer all these questions and avoid new puzzles for the consumer :-)

LED - a semiconductor device that transforms electricity  in light radiation. LED has a common abbreviation - LED (light-emitting diode), which in literal translation into Russian means "light-emitting diode". The LED consists of a semiconductor chip (chip) on the substrate, a housing with contact terminals and an optical system. Directly the radiation of light comes from this crystal, and the color of the visible radiation depends on its material and various additives. As a rule, there is one crystal in the LED casing, but if you need to increase the power of the LED or for radiation of different colors, several crystals can be installed.

This section is for those who do not understand bulbs, the types of their socles and electricity in general, but already understands that to use LED lamps economically much more profitable  , than incandescent lamps and even than luminescent (they are often called "energy-saving"). Select the right LED lamps is very simple and we will help you make right choice, following the instructions below. Or you can call us right away and we will gladly help with the choice.

Choosing the type of socket (cartridge)

Lamp Socket (English - Lamp Socket) is part of a light bulb that is screwed in or inserted into a luminaire. The figure below shows some of the most common types of socles:

E27  - the most common type of socle for lamps. The number 27 is the diameter of the cap in millimeters in the threaded part. The easiest way to make sure of the right choice is to measure the light bulb you want to replace with the LED light bulb. Most common ordinary incandescent lamps are found in the capacities of 60, 75, 100 and 150 watts. The most common type of domes of such incandescent lamps is a ball. If this is your option, go to the next section - "Selecting the power of the LED lamp."

E14  - the second most common type of lamp caps. The number 14 is the diameter of the cap in millimeters in the threaded part - you can measure the diameter of the lamp being replaced. This type of socle is found in less powerful lamps from 15 to 60 watts and they are often used in small wall and desk lamps, as well as in ceiling chandeliers  with a large number of fixtures. The shape of the dome of such lamps is either "ball" or "candle". If this is your option, go to the next section - "Selecting the power of the LED lamp."

G53 or GX53  - much less common type. Most often used for ceiling mounting in residential and non-residential premises. In form, these are round lamps with a flat luminous surface with several bright light-diodes. Such lamps are installed in special lamps, which have a similar flat shape. In case of installation in rooms with high humidity, for example, a bathroom, it is recommended to purchase special waterproof lamps.

The other types of socles are much less common than the first three types and their detailed description you can read in our article "Types of socks of LED lamps".

Selecting the power of the LED lamp

The LED lamp requires much less power for lighting than a conventional incandescent lamp. This is due to the fact that in an ordinary incandescent lamp, about 80% of the energy consumed is spent on heat and only 20% on lighting. LED lamps are practically not heated and spend energy only on lighting. That is why LED lamps are much more economical and energy efficient.

In order to properly select the LED lamp for power, you can use the table below, BUT it is important to understand that this comparison is very approximate and depending on the specific design of the lamp and the manufacturer's company, the light intensity and power output of the LED lamp may vary slightly within 10 -20 per cent. The most eminent manufacturers (Philips, Osram, Verbatim) are very attentive to these moments and try to provide more accurate comparison data of their LED lamps and equivalent in terms of lighting level conventional lamps  incandescent. Most of the LED lamps of Russian brands have very high values ​​on their packaging.

Ability to adjust the brightness or dimmability of the lamp

Not all LED lamps allow you to smoothly adjust the brightness of their glow ( "dimming"), therefore, if you want to install the LED lamp in a luminaire that is equipped with a dimmer, then you need to pay attention to this parameter when choosing a lamp. When describing the lamps in our product catalog, this item is called "dimmable" and if "yes" is indicated in this item of the description, then the lamp is dimmable and it suits you.

Type of light: "warm" or "cold"?

"Warm" light is called a softer, yellowish light, typical for conventional incandescent lamps, "cold" - bright white, sometimes with a bluish tinge. Lamps with warm light are more cozy and for use in residential premises they are bought more often. Lamps with a cold, sometimes even bluish, light, somewhat brighter than lamps with warm light. Such lamps are mainly bought for industrial and office premises. When describing lamps in our catalog of goods  , this item is called "Light Type" and it can take the values ​​"warm" or "cold".

The type of light is easy to determine based on the characteristics of the lamp declared by the manufacturer: if the color temperature or "color" is specified in the range from 2600K to 3500K, then this lamp will emit a "warm", yellowish light, and, the smaller the number, the "yellow" light . If this parameter in the lamp characteristics is specified in the range from 5500K to 6500K, the light will be bright white with a bluish tint. Lamps 4000-4500K - emit light, very close to daylight. In more detail this topic is disclosed in another article in our article " Warm and cold LED light ".

Now you know how to choose LED lamps and you can proceed with the selection in our catalog. We sell only high-quality and reliable lamps from the world's best manufacturers with famous brands, so when choosing a lamp brand you can be guided solely by personal preferences and price.

Articles on LED lighting

This article is for those who for the first time asked such a question and have no technical education. LED lighting is the lighting of something using relatively new light sources - LEDs. LED is an industrially created crystal that, when connected to electricity, begins to emit light. Fairly speaking, a new light source can not be called a light-emitting diode; it was invented already several decades ago, but it was actively developed and used in all spheres of our life only in the beginning of 2000, thanks to new discoveries in the technological field and a significant reduction in the cost of production.

Modern technologies do not stand still, and scientific and technological progress does not leave out such a sphere of our life as coverage. Development occurs both in the direction of increasing lighting technical characteristics, and in the direction of the appearance of additional adjacent technological devices that increase the utility of fixtures and lighting systems in general. We are talking about numerous varieties of LED lamps with built-in sensors.

We decided to make a survey, which will collect the most interesting feedback about LED lamps. We collected these reviews both from our customers (and continue to collect), and from the Internet - from various forums, blogs, thematic portals and other resources. Having received a large amount of data, we systematized it, de-identified it and got a set of interesting opinions and advice from real people using LED lamps at home, in the country, in the office, etc.

Customers of our online store often ask questions - which LED lamps are the best, which companies? What exactly are they better? Is it possible to trust the characteristics of the lamps indicated on the package? Can I buy LED lamps made in China? Can I use LED lamps in children's rooms? This is only part of the questions that customers ask when choosing the best option for themselves. And such questions arise when the buyer already knows which type of lamps is needed and with what characteristics. In this article we will try to answer all these questions and avoid new puzzles for the consumer :-)

LED is a semiconductor device that transforms electric current into light. LED has a common abbreviation - LED (light-emitting diode), which in literal translation into Russian means "light-emitting diode". The LED consists of a semiconductor chip (chip) on a substrate, a housing with contact terminals and an optical system. Directly the radiation of light comes from this crystal, and the color of the visible radiation depends on its material and various additives. As a rule, there is one crystal in the LED casing, but if you need to increase the power of the LED or for radiation of different colors, several crystals can be installed.

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